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The Peril For Prophets

December 24, 2023

If prophets primarily just predict the future, the worst that happens is they are proved wrong. But biblical prophets primarily challenge the present deeds of those who disobey God; they are messengers of God, reminding even rulers of their need to repent–to turn to God and obey the heavenly Ruler. The worst that happens to them is opposition, persecution, prison, or death.

In Matthew 13:53-58 Jesus speaks to his hometown synagogue and its leaders, the Pharisees. Even here he continues to announce his new kingdom of (and from) God–and the need to turn to this God. And as elsewhere the leaders raise questions: isn’t this just the son of the local carpenter? So Jesus says a prophet is not without honor except in his homeland.

When Herod (Antipas), the main ruler of Galilee, the home province of Jesus, hears stories about Jesus, he associates this new prophet with John the Baptist. Herod has recently put John to death because John challenged him–and his new wife Herodias–with disobeying God (Mat. 14:1-12). Now Herod thinks John has come back from the dead to haunt him, working through this new prophet, Jesus.

When Jesus hears what happened to John, he withdraws to a safer place (14:13)–as he did in Mat. 12:14-15 after Pharisees secretly plot to kill him. A true prophet of God, who speaks the truth of God to powerful leaders and their followers, will also suffer similar perils of opposition.

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