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Leadership in the Kingdom of Heaven

April 21, 2024

Jesus’ twelve disciples have been arguing and plotting over the highest positions in Jesus’ new kingdom. They still think this new kingdom will be a glorified kingdom of Israel, and they will be glorified leaders. So Jesus calls them together and reminds them how the rulers of the nations–the kingdoms of earth–lord it over those under them, and how the “great ones” exercise their authority over them (Matthew 20:25). These powerful and prosperous leaders of the kingdoms of earth primarily promote their own special interests: to maintain or increase their privileged position at the expense of those under them.

Jesus then emphasizes that this is not to be the case among them (in his new kingdom); instead, whoever wants to be great among you (in the kingdom of heaven) should become your servant. And whoever wants to be first among you should become your slave (the “least”). Jesus adds that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give himself (his life) as a ransom for many (Mat. 20:26-28). Jesus is the Son of Man (spoken of in Daniel 7:13-14), a heavenly figure who is given a kingdom (by God) that will include “many,” that is, people from every nation. Jesus has come (from heaven) to earth to begin this new kingdom of (from) heaven.

While the leaders of each nation require those under them to serve the interests of the leaders, such as military service to fight enemies (of the leaders) while the leaders praise the “ultimate sacrifice” of their loyal soldiers, Jesus gives himself (his life) as a ransom for the many, those from every nation who come to be part of his new kingdom (from heaven). The word “ransom” relates to rescuing, setting free, those who serve the interests of proud, violent, and greedy leaders, the leaders of the kingdoms of earth. The Son of Man, the glorious king from heaven, rescues certain ones from every nation, setting them free to follow him in his humble, gentle, and generous way of service. Jesus calls all those who are heavily burdened (by their political rulers and economic employers) to come to him and find rest; for he is humble and gentle, and his “yoke” (“burden”) is kindness (see Mat. 11:28-30).

Disciples of Jesus who want to be leaders must see the difference between leadership in the kingdoms of earth and leadership in the kingdom of heaven. Leaders among disciples must follow Jesus and his humble, lowly way of service. They reach out to “enemies” from other nations, welcoming them into their new “family” of brothers and sisters under the kingly power of their heavenly Father and his Son. Their leaders lead the way in showing kindness to everyone in this family, especially helping those most in need of necessities like daily bread. If they focus on serving the least among them, they will then be great leaders of this kingdom of (from) heaven.

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