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The Father’s Two Different Sons

May 19, 2024

Jesus is in the temple, the headquarters of the chief priests–who do not appreciate his provocative words and actions. These temple authorities have challenged Jesus about who gave him authority to do these things. When Jesus asks them whether John the Baptist’s authority was from heaven or earth, they refuse to answer (Matthew 21:23-27).

So Jesus asks them what they think about a father who had two sons. When the father tells the first son to go and work in the vineyard, the son replies that he does not want to–but later changes his mind and goes. When the father goes to the other son and tells him to go, he assures the father, saying “I (will be the one to go), lord”–but then he does not go (21:28-30).

Jesus asks the temple authorities which son did the will of the father; they answer, “the first (son).” As ruling fathers over the children of Israel, they can identify with the father and his different sons. But Jesus identifies them with the second son in his little parable, saying: “Truly I am telling you the tax collectors and prostitutes are going before you into the kingdom of God” (21:31). In other words, notorious “sons” (including prostitutes) have now changed their minds and are going into the kingdom of God that is now beginning, through Jesus. And the “sons” (including the chief priests) who speak pleasing words, in their prayers, but fail to do the good works the true “father” (God) wants from them, are not going into the kingdom of God.

Jesus adds that John the Baptist came to you (the chief priests and elders of Jerusalem), in the way of righteousness (the words and works demanded by God), but you did not believe in him; yet the tax collectors and prostitutes did believe in him; they recognized John’s authority came from heaven and so changed their minds and repented–turning away from their sins and turning to God and doing the will of God. Nevertheless, when you (ruling fathers) saw this happening, you still refused to believe (21:32). Jesus thus exposes these arrogant fathers; they are really disobedient sons (of the one true Father).

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